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080290083 Engineering Acoustics ECE 8th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008

Anna university Coimbatore Syllabus

080290083 Engineering Acoustics ECE 8th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 

Meant for Anna University Coimbatore

(Regulation 2008/2010)
University:Anna University
Year: Fourth Year
Department: B.E Electronics and Communication Engineering 
Semester:  (VIII) 
Content: 080290083 Engineering Acoustics ECE 8th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008
Post Type: Syllabus

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UNIT I FUNDAMENTAL OF ACOUSTICS                                                           
Acoustics waves Linear wave equation sound in fluids Harmonic plane waves Energy density Acoustics intensity Specific acoustic impedance spherical waves
Describer scales-Transmission from one fluid to another normal and oblique
incidence method of images-

UNIT II                  RADIATION AND RECEPTION                                                
Radiation from a pulsating sphere Acoustic reciprocity continuous line source - radiation impedance - Fundamental properties of transducers- Absorption from viscosity complex sound speed and absorption classical absorption coefficient

Physiology of speech and hearing- fundamental properties of hearing loudness level and loudness pitch and frequency voice- Noise- spectrum level and band level – combing band levels and tones detecting signals in noise detection threshold - Resonance in pipes - standing wave pattern absorption of sound in pipes long wavelength limit Helmoltz resonator - acoustic impedance - reflection and transmission of waves in pipe - acoustic filters low pass- high pass and band pass.

Sound in enclosure A simple model for the growth of sound in a room reverberation time - Sabine- sound absorption materials measurement of the acoustic output of sound sources in live rooms acoustics factor in architectural design-Weighted sound levels speech interference highway noise noise induced hearing loss noise and architectural design specification and measurement of some isolation design of

UNIT V                 LOUD SPEAKERS & MICROPHONES                                   
Transducer network canonical equation for the two simple transducers transmitters moving coil loud speaker loudspeaker cabinets horn loud speaker- receivers – condenser microphone moving coil electrodynamics microphone piezoelectric microphone calibration of receivers-



1.  Lawerence E-Kinsler- Austin- R-Frey- Alan B-Coppens- James V-Sanders- Fundamentals of Acoustics- 4ht edition- Wiley- 2000-
2.  Robert D.Finch, Introduction to Acoustics, PHI New Delhi 2008.
3.  L-Berarek -Acoustics - McGraw-Hill 2000-
4.  Frank J. Fahy ,Foundations of engineering Acoustics
4     Michael Mรถser, Engineering Acoustics, Springer; 1 edition (March 19, 2004)

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