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080230068 Information Security CSE 8th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008

Anna university Coimbatore Syllabus

080230068 Information Security CSE 8th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008
Department of Computer science and Engineering 

Meant for Anna University Coimbatore

(Regulation 2008/2010)
University:Anna University
Year: Fourth  Year
Department: B.E Computer Science and Engineering 
Semester:  (VIII) 
Content: 080230068 Information Security CSE 8th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008
Subject code: 080230068
Subject Name: Information Security
Regulation: 2008 or 2010 
Post Type: Syllabus

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History, What is Information Security?, Critical Characteristics of Information, NSTISSC Security Model, Components of an Information System, Securing the Components, Balancing Security and Access, The SDLC, The Security SDLC

UNIT II           
SECURITY INVESTIGATION                                                             

Need for Security, Business Needs, Threats, Attacks, Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues

SECURITY ANALYSIS                                                                           

Risk Management: Identifying and Assessing Risk, Assessing and Controlling Risk

UNIT IV       
LOGICAL DESIGN                                                                                  

Blueprint  for  Security,  Information  Security  Policy,  Standards  and  Practices,  ISO
17799/BS 7799, NIST Models, VISA International Security Model, Design of Security
Architecture, Planning for Continuity

UNIT V        
PHYSICAL DESIGN                                                                           

Security Technology, IDS, Scanning and Analysis Tools, Cryptography, Access ControDevices, Physical Security, Security and Personnel

TOTAL : 45

1.  Michael E Whitman and Herbert J Mattord, Principles of Information Security, VikaPublishing House, New Delhi, 2003
2.  Micki Krause, Harold F. Tipton, Handbook of Information Security Management, Vol 1-3 CRC Press LLC, 2004.

1.  Stuart Mc Clure, Joel Scrambray, George Kurtz, Hacking Exposed, Tata McGraw- Hill, 2003
2.  Matt Bishop, Computer Security Art and Science, Pearson/PHI, 2002

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