Usually Ads are in the form of HTML/Java Script.In order to prevent ads during loading.Java Script should not be loaded.
This can be done by following the steps
This can be done by following the steps
Step 1: Open your Chrome Browser
Step 2: type " chrome://settings/" on Address Bar
Step 3: You will be shown as
Step 4: At the Bottom you will be shown an option called Advanced Settings.Click on that
Step 5: Now Press "Control + F"
Step 6: type Privacy
Step 7:Click on the " Do not allow any site java script option
Step 8:If you want to allow ads of particular website choose manage exception option
Step 9: you will be shown with
Step 10: here type the URL of the website which u want to load or do not want to load
and chose the behaviour and click done option
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Prevent ads from website
Prevent ads from Particular website
avoid loading of ads from particular website
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