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080290078 Advanced Electronic system design ECE 8th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008

Anna university Coimbatore Syllabus

080290078 Advanced Electronic system design ECE 8th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 

Meant for Anna University Coimbatore

(Regulation 2008/2010)
University:Anna University
Year: Fourth Year
Department: B.E Electronics and Communication Engineering 
Semester:  (VIII) 
Content: 080290078 Advanced Electronic system design ECE 8th Semester Anna University Coimbatore Syllabus Regulation 2008
Post Type: Syllabus

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UNIT I   DESIGN OF POWER SUPPLIES                                                   

DC power supply - using transistors and SCRs- Design of crowbar and foldback protection circuits- Switched mode power supplies- Forward- flyback- buck and boost converters- Design of transformers and control circuits for SMPS-

UNIT II                  DESIGN OF DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS                   

Low level signals Amplification Principles of Grounding- Shielding and Guarding techniques- A/D converters: Dual slope- quad slope and high speed- Microprocessors Compatible A/D converters- Multiplying A/D converters and Logarithmic A/D converters- Sample and Hold- two and four wire transmitters Design -

UNIT III RF DESIGN METHODOLOGY                                                  

Behavior of RF passive components-Chip components and circuit board considerations- Review of transmission lines- Impedance and admittance transformation- Parallel and series connection of networks- ABCD and scattering parameters- Analysis of amplifier using scattering parameter- RF filter Basic resonator and filter configurations Butterworth and Chebyshev filters- Implementation of micro strip filter- Band pass filter and cascading of band pass filter elements-

UNIT IV                RF TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER DESIGN                             

Impedance matching using discrete components- Micro strip line matching networks- Amplifier classes of operation and biasing networks Amplifier power gain- Unilateral design(S12 =0) Simple input and output matching networks Bilateral design - Stability circle -conditional stability- Simultaneous conjugate matching for unconditionally stable transistors- Broadband amplifiers- High power amplifiers and multistage amplifiers- -

UNIT V                 DESIGN OF PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS                          

Technology of printed circuit boards (PCB)- General lay out -rules and parameters- PCB design rules for Digital- High Frequency- Analog- Power Electronics and Microwave circuits- Computer Aided design of PCBs-


1. Sydney Soclof- Applications of Analog Integrated Circuits- Pearson/Prentice
Hall of India- 1990-
2. Walter C-Bosshart- Printed circuit Boards Design and Technology- TATA McGraw-Hill- 1983-

3. Reinhold Luduig and Pavel Bretchko- RF Circuit Design Theory and
Applications- Pearson Education- 2000-
4. Keith H-Billings- Handbook of Switched Mode Supplies” McGraw-Hill
Publishing Co-- 1989-
5. Michael Jaacob- Applications and Design with Analog Integrated Circuits”

pearson/Prentice Hall of India- 1991-

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