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CSE 8th Semester Regulation 2008 Syllabus Anna University Trichirappalli | BE Computer Science and Engineering

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Anna University Trichirappalli  CSE 8th Semester Syllabus  For Regulation 2008

Meant for Anna University Trichirappalli

Syllabus for all subjects under CSE 8th Semester Regulation 2008

(Regulation 2008)
University:Anna University
Year: Fourth Year
Department:  BE Computer Science and Engineering
Semester: VIII
Content: Anna University Trichirappalli CSE 8th Semester Syllabus  For Regulation 2008 


IT1403 Mobile Computing
CS1451 Network Protocols
E3**** Elective III
E4**** Elective IV


CS1455 Project Work


CS1013 C # and .NET
IT1451 XML and Webservices
CS1014 User Interface Design
CS1015 Information Security
CS1016 Software Testing
GE1301 Professional Ethics and Human Values
 CS1017 TCP / IP Design and Implementation

Elective IV 

CS1018 Grid Computing
IT1452 Fundamentals of Pervasive Computing
CS1019 Real Time Systems
CS1020 Soft Computing
CS1021 Software Project Management
CS1022 Resource Management Techniques
CS1023 Software Quality Management

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Search Terms used by students:

IT1403 Mobile Computing Syllabus
CS1451 Network Protocols  Syllabus
CS1455 Project Work Syllabus
CS1013 C # and .NET  Syllabus
IT1451 XML and Webservices  Syllabus
CS1014 User Interface Design  Syllabus
CS1015 Information Security Syllabus
CS1016 Software Testing Syllabus
GE1301 Professional Ethics and Human Values Syllabus
 CS1017 TCP / IP Design and Implementation Syllabus
CS1018 Grid Computing Syllabus
IT1452 Fundamentals of Pervasive Computing Syllabus
CS1019 Real Time Systems Syllabus
CS1020 Soft Computing Syllabus
CS1021 Software Project Management  Syllabus
CS1022 Resource Management Techniques  Syllabus

CS1023 Software Quality Management Syllabus

Anna University trichirappalli CSE sem 8 syllabus
Anna University trichy CSE sem 8 syllabus
Syllabus of CSE 8th Semester CSE
Regulation 2008 CSE 8th Semester Syllabus
Anna University CSE 8th sem Syllabus
Regulation 2008 fourth semester Syllabus Syllabus
Syllabus   for Eighth semester
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Anna University Trichirappalli Affiliated Institutions Syllabus 
Anna university Trichirappalli  CSE 8th Semester  Syllabus 
Anna university Trichirappalli CSE 8th Semester  Syllabus 

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